What Is ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)? |
The ISSN is the standardized international code which allows the identification of any serial publication, including electronic
serials, independently of its country of publication, of its language or alphabet, of its frequency, medium, etc. The ISSN
number, therefore, preceded by these letters, and appears as two groups of four digits, separated by a hyphen , has no
signification in itself and does not contain in itself any information referring to the origin or contents of the publication. |
Who Assigns ISSN? |
ISSN numbers are assigned by the ISSN national Centres coordinated in a network. All ISSN are accessible via the ISSN
Register. The ISSN is not "just another administrative number". The ISSN should be as basic a part of a serial as the title. |
Is ISSN Suitable in computer use for file update and linkage etc.? |
As a standard numeric identification code, the ISSN is eminently suitable for computer use in fulfilling the need for file update
and linkage, retrieval and transmittal of data. |
As a human readable code, the ISSN also results in accurate citing of serials by scholars, researchers, information scientists
and librarians. |
How libraries use ISSN? |
In libraries, the ISSN is used for identifying titles, ordering and checking in, claiming serials, interlibrary-loan, union catalog
reporting etc. |
ISSN is a fundamental tool for efficient document delivery. ISSN provides a useful and economical method of communication
between publishers and suppliers, making trade distribution systems faster and more efficient, in particular through the use of
bar-coding and EDI (electronic data interchange). |